Inspired by Luigi Pirandello’s meta-theatre, composer Tom Johnson wrote a piece for a group of singers who have only four notes at their disposal (A, B, D and E) and couldn’t sing about anything other than the opera they are now performing in. Of course, such is an impossible situation: the opera ends in utter rigidity. Music and Libretto Tom Johnson Stage direction Kenza Koutchoukali Scenography and costume design Yannick Verweij Lighting design Coen van der Hoeven Dramaturgy Laura Roling, Wout van Tongeren Musical direction Alejandro Cantalapiedra Singers members of Dutch National Opera Studio: Soprano Sophia Hunt Alto Martina Myskohlid Tenor Salvador Villanueva Baritone Georgiy Derbas-Richter Bass Mark Kurmanbayev Pianist Daniel Ruiz de Cenzano Caballero Produced by Dutch National Opera, Amsterdam in Co-production with the Nederlandse Reisopera and Opera Zuid Photography by Bart Grietens