"The earth dances for those who see." Water moves in waves, as does the jelly fish and the human's breathing. Our lives move in waves, but often we resist and fight against nature. Have you ever wondered how that makes our Earth feel? What moves her? Metanoia, meaning "changing one's mind", is a dance performance inspired by nature, combined with film footage of several documentaries showing the beauty and catastrophe of both our planet and the human race. By visualising the energy and movements of the Earth as a sentient being, we show you the vision of different cultures, the effects of pollution and the way nature stands up for itself. This flow of energy, both constructive and destructive are embodied by dancer Lisa Frey. Concept & visuals: Marit van der Heijden Choreografie & Dans: Lisa Frey Muziek: Loden Rietveld Kostuum: Myrtle Swchwrm Scenografie: Yannick Verweij & Lisa Janssen Videotechniek: Nathan Marcus Fotografie door Pieter Klein